
Postdoc position

The Department of Human Molecular Genetics, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, headed by Prof. dr hab. Hans A.R. Bluyssen, invites applications for a postdoctoral position.

The position is currently available and funded by the National Science Centre within OPUS grant UMO-2016/23/B/NZ2/00623, entitled: “Characterization of a novel intracellular amplifier circuit that controls long-term responsiveness to type I and type II IFNs.”

The project combines state of the art technologies with a highly ambitious and competitive research environment.

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Scholarship by the French Government for Natalia Pstrąg

On April 12th Natalia Pstrąg, our PhD candidate, was awarded the BGF “codirection” scholarship by the French Government. Thanks to this opportunity, she will be performing part of her PhD project in collaboration with the “Computational Epi- Genetics of Cancer” department, led by Valentina Boeva in the Cochin Institute in Paris.

“23rd International Conference on Cancer Research and Pharmacology” in Edinburgh

From 26th to 27th March PhD candidate Weronika Majer and PhD Katarzyna Kluzek , members of the Laboratory of High Throughput Technologies, attended the “23rd International Conference on Cancer Research and Pharmacology” in Edinburgh. Our colleagues presented poster titled “Novel approach in monitoring of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) using molecular biomarkers” that won The Award for Best Poster. During Conference speakers presented talks about recent research and developments in cancer diagnosis, cancer therapy and pharmacology.

Kaja Kostyrko seminar lecture

Last Friday former member of our department, Kaja Kostyrko (Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California San Francisco, USA) had very interesting lecture during the Institute seminar entitled “Identification of novel synthetic lethal vulnerabilities in KRAS-driven lung cancer”. Kaja thank you for your nice presentation!

Preludium Grant

We are happy to inform you that Hanna Nowicka has received Preludium Grant from NCN entitled “The cooperation/role of unphosphorylated and phosphorylated ISGF3 components in the regulation of ISG expression and viral protection” (“Zrozumienie współdziałania/roli nieufosforylowanych i ufosforylowanych form komponentów wchodzących w skład kompleksu ISGF3 w regulacji ekspresji ISGs i obrony przed infekcjami wirusowymi”).