We are proud to announce that our group has been awarded the “nagrodę II stopnia” by the University Rector. Congratulations to Prof. Bluyssen, Prof. Wesoły, Dr. Kluzek, and Dr. Eskandarian Boroujeni for contributing to this achievement!
We are proud to announce that our group has been awarded the “nagrodę II stopnia” by the University Rector. Congratulations to Prof. Bluyssen, Prof. Wesoły, Dr. Kluzek, and Dr. Eskandarian Boroujeni for contributing to this achievement!
Our team member, Dr. Eskandarian Boroujeni, was selected and received an EMBL Grant to attend an advanced wet lab training and computational analysis of single-cell data taking place at EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. This workshop provided Dr. Eskandarian Boroujeni with the opportunity to further develop his skills and knowledge in this cutting-edge field.
Dr. Eskandarian Boroujeni received an EMBO|EMBL Symposium fellowship to present his work titled “Genome-wide integrative analysis reveals the timely IFN-I-dependent induction of motif-specific genes in correlation with immune response progression” in an EMBO | EMBL Symposium: Multiomics to Mechanisms: Challenges in Data Integration taking place at Heidelberg, Germany 15 – 17 September 2021.
Our Ph.D. student, Aleksandra Antończyk, gave an oral presentation titled “Identification and characterization of ALEKSIN, novel pan-IRF inhibitory compound as a potential treatment strategy in cardiovascular disease (CVD)” at a conference organized as part of the project: Passport to the future -Interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
Her work was partly supported by receiving a MiniGrant funded by the project entitled “Passport to the
future – Interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Biology UAM”. The aim of the project “Passport to the future – Interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Biology UAM” POWR.03.02.00-00-I006/17 is to increase the quality and effectiveness of education at the third-degree studies of the Faculty of Biology UAM by implementing the high-quality modernized interdisciplinary program of full-time
doctoral studies internationally in the field of biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, ecology, and environmental protection.